Cabriolet 2-door, Coupe, Cabriolet, Sport sedan, Sport coupe, Sedan, Wagon, Hardtop, Coupe 2-door, Custom coupe 2-door, Kingswood wagon, SS sedan 4-door
Engine type
Gasoline, Disel, Hybrid
Engine capacity
2384-7440 cm3
Engine power
105-425 hp
Injection type
Carburetor, Multi-point fuel injection, Direct injection
Boost type
Maximum torque
217-630 N*m
Turnover of maximum torque
1600-5300 RPM
Max power at RPM
3200-6800 RPM
Number of cylinders
6, 8, 4
Cylinder layout
Inline, V-type
Cylinder bore
88-109.8 mm
Stroke cycle
76-101.6 mm
Valves per cylinder
2, 4
Gearbox and Handling:
Number of gear
3, 4, 2, 6
Gearbox type
Automatic, Manual
Turning circle
11.4-13.8 m
Drive wheels
Rear wheel drive, Front wheel drive
Number of seater
4, 5, 6
1767-2052 mm
5080-5801 mm
1356-1937 mm
Min/Max trunk capacity
159-3013 litre
Ground clearance
117-203 mm
Rear track/Front track
1495-1628 / 1495-1626 mm
1397-3175 mm
Curb weight
1537-2408 kg
Front brakes
Drum, Disc, ventilated
Rear brakes
Drum, Disc, ventilated
Front suspension
Independent, Stabilizer bar, Spring, Wishbone, Dampers, Double wishbone, Cylindrical springs
Rear suspension
Independent, Stabilizer bar, A-shaped lever, Helical springs, Dampers, Axle, Solid axle, Trailing arms, Spring, Drive axle, Wishbone, Multi wishbone